I'm back. My long sabbatical is ended and I have returned to my spiritual home at Equals.
I was tempted to break the retreat by some of the big events of the last few months. The passing of Nelson Mandela seemed to be an opportunity to comment on the strange arc of his life as the man who led the ANC to take up arms and then drew on its non-violent tradition with his leadership of reconciliation when freedom arrived. The death of Tony Benn too was a moment when I was tempted. I felt too little of the appreciations written of his life understood that Parliament was his driving passion. He saw in parliamentary democracy the only means of creating a more egalitarian society. But I resisted.
I seem to be returning at the point where equality has returned to the political agenda. Last year there was a bit of buzz around a French economics book. I waited for the translation and now find that everyone is talking about it. His tour promoting the book in the US (it is translated into American English) has set fire to American political discourse. So given that equality is the theme of this blog I suppose that is where I should start.
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